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ID:DH Hercules cards and DESQview
Quarterdeck Technical Bulletin #203
by Russell Bell
The purpose of this document is to explain the use of the program
DVHERC.COM. This is a program provided with DESQview that clears up
video problems that some users with Hercules monochrome graphics cards
may have.
How do I cure my weird Hercules video problems inside of DESQview?
If you have a Hercules monochrome graphics card (or compatible) you
may have video problems when you run in DESQview. The user may solve
these problems by loading the program DVHERC.COM before entering
DESQview. When the video problems occur, tap "ctrl-alt-1" (or "ctrl-alt-
2", or "ctrl-alt-3", or "ctrl-alt-4", whichever works) to cure the
What problems does DVHERC cure?
DVHERC may address your problem if
--you are getting the wrong screen, such as when you use the
"preview" feature that many word processors offer, which allows you to
view the document as it will look when printed out;
--you are getting inappropriate blinking or high-intensity
--the screen comes out blank or garbled.
What problems does DVHERC not cure?
The DESQview screen blanker fails to blank the top row of dots on
Hercules monitors. DVHERC does not fix this.
RAMFONT (a feature of the Hercules Monographics Plus and Hercules
Incolor video cards) is not supported in DESQview. DVHERC does not
help. See the technote "HRAMFONT.TEC" for some suggestions on what to
What is going on?
Hercules video has a text page and two graphics pages. There is no
completely reliable way to determine which one is current. On real
Hercules cards it is possible to determine which page is current by
reading the state of the light pen port. On a Hercules clone without
light pen support DVHERC is necessary to display graphics without
video problems. On Hercules cards with light pen support the
correct page will occasionally not be restored. In DESQview if a
program is using more than one of these pages then the wrong one may
be restored. DESQview may also get the blinking attribute wrong with
some hardware/software.
What does DVHERC do?
DVHERC gives the user the ability to choose which page is used.
If DVHERC is loaded when the user presses "ctrl-alt-1" the text page is
displayed. If the user presses "ctrl-alt-2" the first graphics page is
displayed. If the user presses "ctrl-alt-3" then the second graphics
page is displayed. If the user presses "ctrl-alt-4" then the "blinking
enable" bit is toggled between blinking and high-intensity background.
The "ctrl-alt-4" function, the toggling of the blink enable bit, of
DVHERC works on CGA monitors as well.
Say you have used the "preview" function of your word processor.
This causes a graphics page to be used. If you cannot return to the
program's text screen then "ctrl-alt-1" will force the text page to be
If the preview screen comes up blank or garbled then perhaps the
wrong graphics page has been displayed. Pressing "ctrl-alt-2" will
display the first graphics page and pressing "ctrl-alt-3" will display
the second graphics page.
If the blinking attribute is coming up when it should not (or not
coming up when it should) then pressing "ctrl-alt-4" will toggle
(switch) how this attribute bit is set and cure this problem. This
feature of DVHERC works with CGA monitors as well.
All of the actions of DVHERC are completely reversible. Pressing
"ctrl-alt-4" twice returns you to where you were to begin with.
Pressing "ctrl-alt-1" always displays the text page, pressing "ctrl-alt-
2" always displays the first graphics page, pressing "ctrl-alt-3" always
displays the second graphics page. You can look upon ctrl-alt-1,2,3 as
a toggle between three different options; choosing one does not preempt
you from using the other.
If your Hercules card has light pen support (and all these cards made by
the Hercules company do) theoretically DESQview will not need DVHERC.
It does not hurt to try DVHERC for graphics problems anyway.
Most people who are using Hercules have no problems. Those who do
should load DVHERC.COM before entering DESQview and, when their video
problems happen, try "ctrl-alt-1" or "ctrl-alt-2" or "ctrl-alt-3" or
This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is
distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit.
Copyright (C) 1991 by Quarterdeck Office Systems
* * * E N D O F F I L E * * *